I only knew your professional work via this website. I thought you were brave for speaking out on current events, but your personal story reflects how truly courageous you are, Jamil. Clearly, you have an open heart and plenty of love to share.

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Great read that really resonated with me. Once I reconciled with my father, the focus shifted from his perceived failures to those of my own. A valuable lesson needed to be learned on my end and that was to accept him for who he is, not who I thought he should be. Only once we were together and I walked a mile in his shoes was I able to understand this truth. A lot of resentment and slow-burning negative energy was removed in such a short time, replaced with a sense of understanding and thankfulness. Thank you again for a great post and as for you, tough times build resiliency and strength; you are going to come out of this all the better!

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This is a great read. Thank you for telling us your story and portraying the love of a family.

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Thank you, Jamil, for this beautiful essay of family forgiveness. God bless you!

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Thanks for sharing. A positive story like that puts a smile on my face and sets me on a good path for the rest of the day. Like the energizer bunny- take a licking and keep on ticking- and end with a good frame of mind focused on the good. Well done. Appreciate that you shared.

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Lovely note. Thank you for sharing this.

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A sad but very happy ending! Thank you for your insight on what family is <3

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